Journal of Pain and Symptom Management

An Interprofessional Process for the Limitation of Life-Sustaining Treatments at the End of Life in France.

Journal of Pain and Symptom Management

Blythe JA, Kentish-Barnes N, Debue AS, Dohan D, Azoulay E, Covinsky K, Matthews T, Curtis JR, Dzeng E

The Influence of Neoliberalism on Burdensome Life Sustaining Treatments Near the End of Life (RP313).

Journal of Pain and Symptom Management

Elizabeth Dzeng, J. Randall Curtis, Thea Matthews, Jason Batten, Christine Ritchie, Daniel Dohan

A Codified Process for Multidisciplinary Team Consensus Around the Termination of Life Sustaining Treatments (LST) in France: An Interview Study (S822).

Journal of Pain and Symptom Management

Elizabeth Dzeng, Nancy Kentish-Barnes, J Randall Curtis, Anne-Sophie Debue

Homing in on the Social: System-Level Influences on Overly Aggressive Treatments at the End of Life.

Journal of Pain and Symptom Management

Dzeng E, Dohan D, Curtis JR, Smith TJ, Colaianni A, Ritchie CS

Addressing Palliative Care Clinician Burnout in Organizations: A Workforce Necessity, an Ethical Imperative.

Journal of Pain and Symptom Management

Harrison KL, Dzeng E, Ritchie CS, Shanafelt TD, Kamal AH, Bull JH, Tilburt JC, Swetz KM

How Should Palliative Care Be Involved in the Response to Physician Assisted Dying in California? Intimately: Perspectives from a Statewide Conference (S795).

Journal of Pain and Symptom Management

Laura Petrillo, Eric Widera, Elizabeth Dzeng, Krista Harrison, Lindsay Forbes, Barbara Koenig, Ben Scribner
